The NAET method is established by Dr. Devi Nambudripad, MD.  Its main goal is to balance the energetic system of the body using kinesiology and accupressure. Step by stemp intolerances and allergies are eliminated, food intolerances as well as others.  See the NAET website for further information. I also refer to Dr. Devi’s book “Say goodbuy to allergies”. 

Some testimonies are written in my Dutch language wordpress blog where a google translator is present to view them in English:

TESTIMONY 1: intolerant aan fructose

TESTIMONY 2: Intolerant aan gluten

TESTIMONY 3: intolerant aan lactose

TESTIMONY 4: Intolerant aan look

TESTIMONY 5: intolerant aan vers fruit

Testimonies already translated into English:

TESTIMONY 6: Celiac disease

TESTIMONY 7: intolerant to sugar, chocolate, dairy

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