Hello Angeline,

I wanted to let you know, since I started the NAET Treatments I feel like a new person. Before NAET my body was tired all the time. I could never get enough sleep and was in bed most nights by 20:00 hours. Now I can stay up to 22:00 hours no problem.
I had a hard time concentrating which made work difficult and frustrating. Now I am able to keep my work organized and my frustration level is low. I was also allergic to the water in our house. I would get out of the shower and sneeze uncontrollably, my skin itched terribly. Now I am able to take a long relaxing shower no sneezing, no itching!! Also, my husband has noticed a desirable change in my personality. I feel like a more pleasant person to be around. Trying to deal with allergies and live a normal life is difficult. It’s a lot of hiding feeling and telling other people your doing just fine. When in reality your miserable all the time. Today and moving forward I can say I feel good and it’s the truth!!! Thank you Angeline for your time and knowledge of NAET. My life has changed for the better!!!!!

Yvonne O.

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