What is Polarity therapy?

Polarity therapy has its beginnings in the research of Dr. Randolph Stone but its roots are thousands of years older, it goes back to Ayurveda and even further to knowledge shrouded in the veils of time. Dr. Randolph Stone at one point realized that all life consists of energy flow. Energy flows from a positive pole to a negative pole and passes a neutral point. This is also the case in the human body. This therapy has its name from the fact that Dr. Randolph Stone uses this polarity principle to remove blockages from the energy circulation.

The energy circulation in the human body is following a very ordered pattern, it does not flow chaotically but according to a complex system. Dr. Randolph Stone calls this system the Wireless Anatomy of Man. The knowledge of this system permits to do efficient blockage removal and improve the well being of a person.

Energy flow
wireless anatomy of man
The wireless anatomy of Man

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