The BUTTERFLY: is known as a symbol for transformation;”Transformation literally means going beyond your form” Wayne Dyer says. This means finding ways to transcend obstacles in your life. The expression Butterfly treatment is used to refer to getting over limitations or obstacles and thus changing your life even in the higher layers of your consciousness.

It happens that we carry consequences from hurts from past generations or lives. Often people are aware of this and indicate themselves “I think it has to do with something from my grandparents, can you help me with this”. Yes, you can be helped with this. Energy work can reach into these most subtle layers of your energy body.

Transformation is a process, therefor it may take a few sessions to reach the desired outcome, but sometimes change even in this area can be amazingly quick too. Which method will be used for this purpose will be checked first and discussed with the client. The NAET method is a good option. I do know an ancestral method to help in this field too.

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