Dr. Stone believed that when we come into alignment with the five star sacred geometric pattern our mental, emotional, and physical states are simultaneously influenced in a positive way.

The five pointed star geometry is a pattern that repeats itself again and again throughout the mind and body.

The vortex of the spiral created by the five star pattern is often times referred to in the healing arts as a still point. The propagation of spiral waves are necessary for neural coherence.

The energy principle suggested by the neural science is that if one is caught in the web of a higher dimensional pattern (Athena’s Web) one must return, via the vortex (still point) to the five star pattern in order to heal. Therapeutically being caught in a higher dimensional pattern can manifest in many different ways i.e. addiction, depression, out of control emotions, repeating or obsessive thought disorders, as well as dysfunctional attachments to beauty, ideals, and visions. Guiding a client into the five star pattern using polarity energy principles will allow  clients to let go of their attachments and transform their relationships with higher dimensional patterns. 

The five star pattern is congruent with Golden Mean proportions which are directly related to the Fibonacci series. This representation can be displayed in many different ways. What is most important is that five star geometry creates an infinite continuum of spirals within spirals.

Some people are continually getting lost, finding themselves, and getting lost again. The five star pattern is the geometry of finding ourselves. Alignment with the five star pattern can be called “Human Tuning”; the five star pattern is the Tuning Fork. When we are in tune we are in a state of coherence and better able to make decisions about our lives.

The five star pattern is the geometry of finding ourselves. When we are in tune we are in a state of coherence and better able to make decisions about our lives.

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