This symbol refers to transformational work concerning limiting beliefs about personal happiness, success, money and anything related to this. The image of a chicken is an archetypal image of fertility, blessings and happiness in life.  (Also for the feminine). The image of a GOLDEN EGG is symbol for a better life with more success where you can overcome obstacles much better. It stands for wellbeing and prosperity.

Transformational work does not mean instant miracles; the idea is to remove blocages from your energy body and  this is usually gradual work although not to be underestimated – by removing blocages from chakra’s and or meridians positive changes can be achieved in your life.

Transformation is a process. Each type of energy work can be utilised to achieve improvements towards the goal. This practitioner will test by kinesiolgy what method is most appropriate for a particular person: the NAET method is a good option, another option is an ancestral method.

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