For ten years I suffered from food intolerances, especially dairy products (yogurt, milk and cheese made from cow’s milk) and sugar (chocolate, cookies, candies, etc.) .

Whenever I ate any of these, 24 hours later I had bowel problems and/or infections of the nose, throat and ears.

I was not the only one to have such symptoms I was told, but as time went by I found them more and more difficult to live with. 

Then I went to consult Angeline Adriaenssens, practitioner of the NAET method. After a few sessions where we treated sugar, cocoa and casein among other things, I can now eat chocolate and my favourite desserts again without getting sick! I can also eat again without problem meals containing cheese or yogurt. It makes my life much easier when I’m invited, and being able to taste from time to time a delicious Belgian chocolate is something wonderful for me!

Elisabeth, Vlaams-Brabant

(This testimony is a translation – original text written in Dutch)

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