de NAET methode voor burnout

The NAET method is established by a medical doctor, namely Dr. Devi Nambudripad. Its main target is to balance the energetic system of the body using acupressure points in the unique way of the NAET method.

The NAET method is not first-line help, it does not replace a medical consultation. Therefore, for fatigue and burnout, first consult a doctor for diagnosis, blood tests and prescription. If symptoms persist, a NAET treatment may be useful.

The basic protocol of NAET has as a goal to help the body assimilate better the basic vitamins and minerals and therefore increase your vitality. NAET can make a huge difference to the energetic condition of the body. Also, emotionally one gains strength from inside by better dealing with life’s challenges.

The NAET techniques do not replace a psychologist if that is what a patient needs, as it is a psycho-corporal therapy that gives the body with precision what is necessary for more energetic balance.

Some testimonies are written in my Dutch language blog, where a google translator is present to view them in English:

TESTIMONY 1: Fatigue and near burnout

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