It was a bit by coincidence that Angeline started treatments on me, I didn’t think I needed energy balancing treatments. I am in good health and rarely go to the doctor.

During a conversation, I tell Angeline that mosquitoes adore me and that they make my life difficult in summer. This is how she offers to perform a test on me, because she has found out that people who attract many mosquitoes have a problem with a specific micro-nutrient which is one of the basic micro-nutrients of her energy balancing method, which is called the NAET method. Indeed, the test reveals I have this disbalance concerning this micro-nutrient.

She therefore carried out a treatment for this, after which I had to evict this micro-nutrient for 48 hours so that things could act in my body. After this particular treatment, carried out in one session, I could see that the mosquitoes no longer bite me.

P.D., August 2019, Brussels

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