vijf elementen behandeling

Balancing of the five elements of the Ayurveda: earth, water, fire, air and ether by means of a treatment developed by Dr Randolph Stone, DO

In Polarity therapy, we learn that specific parts of the body are under the influence of the energy lines of the Four Elements as they were flowing when we were still an Embryo:

for instance:

  • the knees are linked with the Earth element
  • the head is linked with the Fire element
  • the ankles are linked with the Air element
  • the heart is linked with the Water element

Other body parts are in connection with the element of Ether, not mentioned on above chart which depicts the influences put in place when we were still an Embryo. But this influence remains later in life.

  • the throat is in connection with the element Ether. See chart below.

Below chart renders the influences of the Five Elements on the Regions of our body as from Birth and as an Adult.

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