I was diagnosed with celiac disease two years ago, after a hellish period of cramps, fatigue and headaches. Thanks to my studies, I knew some feedback about this disease and my world collapsed somewhat. I was told that I could never eat gluten again because healing was impossible. The doctors also told me that it was hereditary and that there was a risk of one day transmitting this disease to my children. The good news then was that with a gluten-free diet, all of my symptoms disappeared and I felt much better.

My family, colleagues and friends have all tried to help me follow this diet. On parties gluten-free treats were offered to me and for restaurant invitations family or friends made sure gluten-free meals were possible. Since I knew what the consequences of ingesting gluten were, I never succumbed to the temptation. But I must admit  I missed the taste of normal pastry, bread, pizza and rolls.

One colleague once told me that she also had celiac disease but that thanks to NAET, she can tolerate gluten again. This woman was completely rid of this disease. I couldn’t believe my ears. Of course, I did not let this chance pass me, and I immediately went in search of a therapist who practiced this method and could help me. This is how I ended up with Angeline Adriaenssens. I was completely open to it and very enthusiastic and I was looking forward to going to the sessions. After barely 4 sessions, I was able to tolerate gluten again. It was a miracle, not only for me but also for those around me. Just before the holidays, I was able again to eat gluten-containing foods. It was truly the greatest Christmas present.

I have been rid of my problem for 6 months now and I am so happy with this. I’m sure I appreciate normal bread or cake more than anyone else. In addition, my entourage (friends, family and colleagues) often talk to me about how bad it was in the past when I could not eat all those good things and I am delighted to be able to eat treats again that were previously forbidden to me. Today, allergies are becoming more common and I think that remains a major concern, so I am really happy that it is a thing of the past for me.

Jona, province of Antwerp (23 years)

(This testimony is a translation: original text written in Dutch)

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